Allies for Justice: Viva La Causa

Learning Target OR Standards & Connections
  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.9-10.1.C Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions.
  • California Media Arts & English Language Development Standards (Grade 6) 

A. Collaborative 

1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative discussions on a range of social and academic topics

  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.2 Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.
Essential Outcome(s) Level(s)
Students will…

  • Learn about the power of allies in civil and human rights movements.
  • Watch clips from Viva La Causa and identify allies within this movement.
  • Read Proclamation of the Delano Grape Workers for International Boycott Day and highlight phrases that stand out.
  • Write, record, edit  & publish an audio recording from the proclamation of why it’s important to be an ally.
Adaptable to Middle,  High and Post-Secondary
  1. Ask students to define “ally”, and provide an example of how they have been an ally.
  2. Go around the room and have learners (4-5) share their definition of ally. 
    1. Tip: Try to guide students to understand the following things.
      1. An ally supports other people and groups against discrimination and oppression.
      2. We are all potential allies. Most of us interact regularly with people who experience some form of oppression.
      3. To be an ally, you have to take action. Those who are concerned, but do nothing, are part of the problem
  3. Watch the video clip from Viva La Causa and brainstorm how the oppressors, targets of oppression, and allies played a role in advancing injustice or justice in relation to this movement. (10-15 minutes)
  4. After students have reflected and shared out, provide each student with a copy of “The Proclamation of the Delano Grape Workers for International Boycott Day”.


  1. Students should identify and highlight key phrases and not sentences that resonate with them. 

Example of Phrases from Proclamation 

We have been farmworkers for hundreds of years

And strikers for four

We threw down our plowshares

We mean to have our peace

To win it without violence


We called our fellow men and were answered

As all men of conscience must

We marched alone

But today we count men of all



And occupations

In our number

The time is ripe

For our liberation

  1. Once students have selected their key phrases, they can compile those phrases into a poetic form. 
  2. The poem should be recorded within the studio and should explain why it’s important to be an ally based off of the phrases they selected.
    1. Step #1: Enter into Soundtrap (using login credentials at or through LMS)
    2. Step #2: Click “Enter Studio”
    3. Step #3: Set up a recording and record a response to the following prompt “ why it’s important to be an ally based off of the phrases you selected from the poem”.
  1. Students will have 15 minutes to record and edit their poem.
  2. Students should have the opportunity to share out with the class but is not required.
  3. Debrief with the class on their thoughts of being an ally. Also, have their opinions around allies changed since learning about this historic movement. 
    1. Example Questions:
      1. Have you been an ally before? If so, how did you show up for another group?
      2. How did it make you feel to be an ally? How can you get others to understand how to be an ally?
      3. Can you name any other historical movements in which allies were present?
Extended Learning
  1. If time permits, students can add loops, music and additional editing.
  2. Students can record another audio story about a time they have seen an injustice happen and what was their role in being an ally. If not, what could they have done differently to show up as an ally. 

Lesson Resource from Teaching Tolerance 


This lesson was inspired by Teacher Tolerance social justice curriculum. This lesson was written by Jostin Grimes, Soundtrap Education Specialist. 

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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