Student Resources

Soundtrap for Education Student Course
This course is offered to help students learn the basics of Soundtrap from getting set up to creating their own projects.
Unit 1 - Outside Studio

Critical Steps to Get Started Outside the Studio
We introduce you to the critical steps to get started outside the studio. Your account setup and joining your teachers account.
Unit 2 - Universal Skills

How to Navigate in The Studio - A Beginner's Tour
In this video we will give you a beginner's tour of the Soundtrap studio. We will show you how to navigate in the studio and explain what all the buttons do to help you get started on your first project today!

How to Use Loops - 3 Easy Steps to Get Started in Soundtrap
In this video we will show you how to use loops - 3 easy steps to get you started in the Soundtrap studio. A quick activity for your first day in Soundtrap, to start getting comfortable in the studio.

Top 4 Recording Tips & Terms
In this video we will share our top 4 recording tips and terms, to set you up for success in your creativity process recording music or podcasts.
Unit 3 - Podcasting

Podcasting Basics in Soundtrap for Education
This video is an introduction to podcasting basics in Soundtrap for Education. We will look more deeply into curriculum connections through podcasting.
Unit 4 - Music

Instruments - Create tracks & navigate presents
There are thousands of instruments and multiple ways to edit your recordings. Learn how you can create your own sound in this tutorial.

Instruments - Piano roll, draw & moving notes
There are thousands of instruments and multiple ways to edit your recordings. Learn how you can create your own sound in this tutorial.

Beatmaker - Get started
This video will show you how to create your own beats with the Patterns Beatmaker!

Beatmaker - Add drum sounds
This video will show you how to add more drum sounds in the Patterns Beatmaker.
What is Soundtrap: Parent Letter
What is Soundtrap: Parent Letter
This letter is an introduction to Soundtrap for Education geared for parents and families
View Letter