2022 Soundtrap Creativity Challenge Winners
November 17, 2022This June, Soundtrap for Education kicked off another Summer Creativity Challenge to provide educators a platform to inspire students to combine their creativity and the Soundtrap Studio to create! We were blown away by the number of submissions, and it was challenging to pick winners from such an amazing library of student work!
We received submissions from students worldwide with grades ranging from kindergarten to twelfth grade for our Summer Creativity Challenge. The entries varied in complexity, topics, and style, but all had their own creative spin. It was truly an honor to listen to these talented students, and we look forward to future creative challenges!
Here are the 2022 Soundtrap Creativity Challenge Winners!
Grades K-3 Music
Instrumental – The Future – Jax L.
Listening to the song The Future transports you directly to the future! It has a consistent motif that changes throughout the song to keep you listening and thinking about what our future might look like since this is what it sounds like! The last piano riff gives the song a good finale!
Instrumental – The Real Pizza Boy’s Music – Hardev K
Not only is this song for delivering pizza, but it’s also for delivering beats! We love the drums featured in this track and the high note with its own rhythm.
Grades 4-5 Music
Vocal – You are the One – Eli N.
We love the use of vocal effects from our Soundtrap loop library! The audio singing “You are the One” is pitched up with great synth motifs. We could imagine hearing this type of song on the radio!
Instrumental – Calm Night – Orly G.
This song is very cool sonically! It gives off calm night vibes because of the several counter melodies. – King of the Under Sea – Chase R.
We love this arrangement because it has multiple different sections! Each section has a different vibe based on the rhythm, melody, and harmony!
Shoutout to Wallace W. for playing MIDI piano in Choir Men! Playing the piano using MIDI is an advanced technique, and we are so proud of you for trying! Keep up the great work!
Shoutout to Riley N. for singing in Every Time! Your voice is beautiful, and we hope you continue to write and sing your songs!
Grades 6-8 Podcast
5 Senses – by Caroline
The descriptions and sound effects make us feel as if we are there experiencing these 5 senses! This is a beautiful slice of mindfulness, but it’s even better because it hits so close to home (literally).
Same People Different World – by Alex
Growing up with siblings always has its challenges. Listen to Alex’s podcast as he vulnerably shares what life is like growing up with a twin with autism and how although there are challenges, there are many positives.
Grades 6-8 Music
Instrumental – Dare to Listen by Lexie E.
A song inspired by Stranger Things? LOVE times Eleven! This song has the synth and 80s vibes of the t.v. show what it is based on!
Vocal – Crew E.B.
This song is the only rap song submitted, and it’s about ice cream, so it has to win our Vocal category! This is the perfect summer song for those trips to the ice cream store when you’re excited to have your mint chocolate chip!
Grades 9-12 Music
Instrumental – Anthony Soto
This student has been using Soundtrap for a month and created this incredible song with great melody, structure, and added vocals! We could listen to this song and its catchy beat while turning it up over and over again!
Instrumental – Song Structure by Selena
From the beginning of this song, we were transfixed with the beat and electric sounds hypnotizing us, only to change every third of the way through! The final third was fast, the beat kept hitting, and the lyrics at the end certainly surprised us!
Vocal – Time Machine Melody C.
This student’s teacher shared a distorted sample that was impossible to use as an extra challenge, and this student created a fantastic song with it and added vocals! We love the voice filter, along with the distorted sample! Such great use of our advanced Soundtrap features!
Vocal – Alfonso’s song
We love the use of strings in this song, and this breathtaking song surprises you with lots of Soundtrap vocals halfway through- do not miss it! Even better, this student has only been using Soundtrap for a little over a month! We definitely could not make up our minds on this one and had to have two winners!
Vocal – Jimi by Adrian A.
This mesmerizing beat with an electric guitar was a great start, but we couldn’t stop listening once it was paired with rap! We loved the message of starting your own path and staying focused in school that there was not a question it would have to be one of our winners!
Best Collab – Collaboration Project by Selena, Natalie, and Raina
This captivating and nostalgic intro grabbed our attention from the start. The beat and the ethereal lyrics made us want to listen over and over again to understand the song’s deeper meaning. This collaboration was different from all other entries and had to have its own category!
We thank all the teachers and students for being creative and submitting their songs and podcasts to the Soundtrap Summer Creativity Challenge. We hope everyone continues creating!